Code of Conduct


1. This code of conduct is formulated to ensure:
    a) good organisation for the convenience of all staff and pupils;
    b) that the pupils of the school are well-disciplined, responsible and    
        dignified young people.

2. Pupils are under the school’s direct control:
    a) while in transit to and from school (including school functions);
    b) while on the school property;
    c) while representing the school.

The Grey Junior School has the responsibility of providing a quality all-round education for the pupils in the community. Education, however, begins in the home and should be considered a partnership between the home and school.



  1. To seek to develop each individual’s talents as fully as possible;
  2. To teach effectively and to set the highest standards in work and behaviour;
  3. To care for and support each pupil at school;
  4. To encourage open communication with parents as a basis for close co-operation between home and school.



  1. To show by their example their support of the school;
  2. To ensure that their children come to school regularly, on time, correctly dressed and ready to work;
  3. To take an active, supportive interest in their children’s work, homework and progress;
  4. To support the authority and discipline of the school, helping their children to achieve self-discipline and control;
  5. To encourage their children’s participation in the school’s extra-mural activities.


  1. To attend school regularly, on time, ready to learn and take part in school activities;
  2. To aim at the highest standards in all aspects of school life;
  3. To co-operate with the staff and accept the authority and rules of conduct of the school;
  4. To consider and respect the feelings and property of other people in the school;
  5. To care for the grounds, buildings, furniture, equipment and books provided by the  school.



Discipline has both a personal and a group dimension. To be accepted and effective, discipline must be appropriate, fair and consistent. “To discipline with dignity" is the policy of the school.

The staff and pupils accept behaviour which;

  1. shows respect for self and others, as demonstrated by politeness and good manners in word and deed;
  2. demonstrates visible appreciation for the efforts of all, and positive reinforcement of good behaviour;
  3. is compassionate, accepts people as individuals, and is sensitive to differing backgrounds and home circumstances;
  4. shows appreciation of and care for personal property, the property of others, and for the buildings, grounds, facilities and equipment of the school;
  5. shows due regard for the safety of others;
  6. fosters the building of supportive, co-operative relationships between parents, staff and pupils as members of the same team;
  7. recognises the value of open communication increasing and maintaining a positive learning environment;
  8. indicates pride in producing a high standard of achievement in all activities, both in and out of the classroom;
  9. builds confidence and encourages enthusiasm and enjoyment;
  10. illustrates the individual’s willingness to accept responsibility for maintaining a disciplined working environment;
  11. is characterised by loyalty, honesty and a sense of fair play and sportsmanship;
  12. projects a positive image of Grey at all times.


Punishments are considered carefully and are graded in terms of severity:

  • reprimand
  • written work
  • detention
  • parent interview
  • counselling
  • parent letter
  • special report
  • specific tasks
  • service to the school / community
  • suspension of privileges
  • suspension from the school
  • expulsion